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Investing – Established or New Home Build?

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When looking to purchase an investment property, there are many points to consider when weighing up the options of buying established or going down the building path. While buying established gives a quicker settlement date and sooner return on investment, there are many more benefits to building that buying just does not offer.

1. Energy efficiency

Building allows you to create an energy efficient design that will cut down the costs of heating and cooling as well as affording the ability to have brand new appliances with much greater energy ratings. Your bills and the environment will be much better off.

2. Price

The main benefit of building a home is saving on stamp duty, as it is only payable to the land and not the new home. Building with Rivergum also ensures a structural warranty which gives added peace of mind for an investment home.

3. Customisation

You are able to tailor the home to suit you and your needs. If you are building as purely an investment opportunity to provide housing, you can select fixtures and fittings that are both budget friendly and great quality to ensure less maintenance costs in the long run.

4. Less maintenance

Heaters break, pipes suddenly leak and tiles crack but with a new home, you are able to skip out on any intensive maintenance costs for a long while, saving money and time.

5. Health and safety

Any home built before 1990 is almost guaranteed to have asbestos which can be very costly to remove. In addition to this, new home timber frames by Rivergum Homes are termite treated for peace of mind, unlike many older homes. The option of steel frame is also available for further protection.

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